
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Effort VS Outcomes

What do you think about the photo above? Hehehe… Maybe we have different perspective but it doesn’t matter. I see it’s about effort and outcomes.

In everything we do, there must be effort but sometimes, there’s outcome, sometime it just don’t work at all. In my opinion, nobody really want to see the effort, they just want to see the outcomes. They always ask this “did it work?” “What you get? And so on and if there’s outcomes, then they will ask like “How do you do it?” “Can you teach me?” and bla...bla...bla...

So, if you want people want to care what you do, you have to show the outcomes. But if you don’t care about attention from other’s you still have to make sure there’s something as outcomes as it will make you satisfied and happy for what you have done. Surely, nobody wants to do something for nothing.
Nobody ask Micheal Jorden what he get through and what he have done until he become the Greatest Player! Don't stop trying!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Never Give Up For The Best

Wake up at 4.oo am just to watch Chelsea play against arsenal and then continue to watch Barcelona’s game against Celta de Vigo, both win and its was good. At 5.50 am, go for jogging and then get some “mempelam”. Yes, I like to eat it! I Think today is a gift and it will be good. Good luck to my entire friend that sitting for their exam today.
This morning, I just thinking about never give up for something good that you really want. If you work for something and you know it the best for you and you deserve to have it, never give up. Do your best and fight until the end. In my day, in a few things that I really want, when I feel that I’m giving up, surrender I’ll always remind myself with this situation.

But I don’t mean we should never give up. In some matter, in some situation, there’s always a time for us to give up so that we can start something better and get the best. So, it’s always in your hand. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Take Opportunity.

Today I start online by checking my email and one topic that I think was very good and very motivating was take my attention for a while. And yes, its about personal money or investment. But the most interesting sentences is as follows:

Someone always pays. The quicker you can understand this, the quicker you’ll start to see that life is a game full of opportunity costs. There’s always something that you’re giving up when you choose between opportunities, even when it’s labeled as ‘free.’

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Life is full of risks. You can either run from them or prepare the best you can and try to turn the opportunity into something big. 
 Remember: Your purpose is to find Happiness. :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Power of the “First one”

In my life, in my day I always prefer to be the first one. For me being the first one is always wonderful, always good and always make you feel good. I’ve try to made this as my principle and it’s really work and guided me in my everyday. I always think about being:
  1. The first one to wake up in the morning.
  2. The first one read and knows the good and bad news.
  3. The first one mastering the new skill.
  4. The first one knows the result.
  5. The first one knows how and why.
  6. The first one touches the end line.
But then, it’s not always need to be the first but trying to be the first will always lead us to the best thing we want in this life. Life is good and let make it best!
 Last Night, Chelsea beat Man City and I'm happy to know that. :D
 Chelsea: My Favorite team in BPL.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cerita yang sungguh-sungguh menyedarkan.

Wang syiling jatuh di hadapan seorang lelaki yg sedang asyik mambancuh simen ..melihat logam kecil itu , tangan lelaki itu terhenti melakukan kerja. Tidak menunggu lama, tangannya segera mengutip syiling itu dan dimasukkan ke dalam poketnya. Dia menyambung semula kerjanya. Sekali lagi lelaki itu terpandang duit syiling tidak jauh dari sisinya . Lelaki itu menoleh ke kiri ,kanan dan sekelilingnya.Tiada siapa yang berdekatan dengannya .Sekali lagi dia terus mengambil syiling itu dan menyimpan dalam koceknya .

Tidak lama kemudian , lelaki itu ternampak lagi duit syiling berdekatan dengannya .Pun sama , dia mengambil dan menyimpannya .
"Rezeki aku !" Kata lelaki itu dalam hati . Lelaki itu tidak sedar , logam syiling itu sebenarnya dicampakkan oleh ketuanya dari aras lapan bangunan separuh siap yang mereka bina itu. Sebenarnya ,ketuanya mahu memanggilnya. Puas ketuanya menjerit daripada aras lapan , cuba memanggil lelaki itu yg berada pada aras paling bawah.

Namun , jeritan itu tidak mampu mengalahkan pelbagai bunyian mesin pembinaan di kawasan tersebut. Kerana itulah , ketuanya itu mencampakkan syilingnya dengan harapan lelaki itu akan mendongak melihatnya di atas. Mudah-mudahan dapatlah dia menyampaikan pesanannya kepada pekerjanya itu. Sayangnya,sehingga habis wang syilingnya dibaling ke bawah , lelaki itu masih belum jugak mendongak ke atas.

Lantas , ketuanya itu mengumpulkan serpihan batu kecil yg terdapat di lantai. Satu persatu batu kecil itu dibaling ke bawah. Beberapa kali batu itu mengenai badan lelaki itu . Setelah merasa sakit , lelaki itu mendongak ke atas , melihat dari mana datangnya batu-batu kecil yang menyerang tadi.
Barulah dia ternampak kelibat ketuanya yang sejak tadi cuba mencuri perhatiannya bagi menyampaikan pesanan.

Sahabat sekalian , Tuhan sering menjatuhkan rezeki (syiling ) , rahmat atau kesenangan yg tidak terkira banyak kepada kita. Tuhan menjatuhkan 'syiling' itu sbg satu panggilan agar kita sentiasa mendongak ke atas utk mengingati dan bersyukur dengan kurniaanNya. Tetapi , sering kali kita lalai utk 'mendongak' ke atas, sebaliknya terus menikmati pemberian-Nya tanpa ucapan syukur. Seperti kisah ketua dan pekerja tadi , apabila jatuhan syiling tidak berjaya menarik perhatian ,lalu Dia jatuhkan pula 'batu' yg berupa musibah , kegagalan , keperitan dan pengalaman yg menyakitkan. Dan hanya setelah kita merasa kesakitan itu , barulah kita teringat utk mendongak , menadah tangan utk bersyukur mengingati Yang Maha Pencipta kita.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your Life is Wonderful

I think my life is wonderful. It’s always good. Sometimes a few thing happen badly, sometimes happen in good manner and that’s all made up my life. Everyday God give me a new day, a new breath, new life and new page of life for me to decorate my own life. I feel so blessed and so loved. I always remind myself about a few things that are:
  1. Life is always fair.
  2. You come to this world to create yourself, NOT to find yourself.
  3. You always have strength and weakness.
  4. To be good is good.
  5. Sometimes we need to give up so that we can start something better
    It's should be your own heart. :)