
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Monday, January 06, 2014


It’s been 6th day in 2014, so means this year I'll be 24 years old. I think I'm getting older. :) . So what is my opinion in 2013? Overall everything was good. Everything happen nicely. There’s a lot of success and some failure.
  1. For me, the only two real failure is firstly I didn’t get my driving license. I’ve tried but it just not happen as I wish.
  2. Second failure: I didn’t make saving to RM 19K by 01.01.2014 it was RM 60 from the target. Actually the first target was 18K but then I’ve change it by July and its not so much, but it’s still a failure.
Big success is I completed my life as student in very satisfied condition. Get 3.75 on May and get 3.84 for the last semester was the best success for me.

For the next, I have 20 revolution some big things is:
  1. Financial.
  2. Relationship with Veroen.
  3. Family.
  4. Faith.
  5. Driving license
  I just hope I can make it.



Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hartanah: Inikah proses pembelian rumah second hand??

Tengah cari maklumat proses pembelian rumah terpakai, dan ini je yang saya dapat faham secara ringkasnya. Semoga betul dan dapat diaplikasikan dalam 2-3 tahun slepas ini. Perlu lebih banyak membaca dan kena pergi seminar AE sebelum bertindak.
  1. Tetapkan jenis rumah yg kita perlukan.
  2. Tetapkan bajet untuk membeli rumah.
  3. Tetapkan area mana yg kita nak beli.
  4. Survey kat internet/Tanya kengkawan/tgok iklan
  5. Hubungi penjual/ejen dan tanya harga dan bt temujanji tengok rumah
  6. Pergi tengok umah. Periksa masalah,kerosakan, ada penyewa ka tak da
  7. Minta diskaun. Cari la alasan apa pun kalau dapat
  8. Tengok kali ke dua. Cek betul-betul apa yang rosak,
  9. Bayar deposit 3%.
  10. Cari lawyer.
  11. Apply loan. Antar ke at least 3 bank..
  12. Sign S&P Agreement.
  13. Bayar baki 7%.
  14. Lawyer buat kerja
  15. Dapat rumah!
Macam senang je?? Tapi sebenarnya pasti tak semudah itu, pasti pembelian pertama sentiasa yang paling sukar kan3… apa pun impian impian memiliki rumah 3  tahun dari sekarang perlu dibuat perancangan yang seeloknya. : )
p.s: pas ni kna baca balik ebook Abang ensem..wuuu

Friday, November 15, 2013

Simple advise.

Only 2 sentences and it give me so much things to think. Thanks. :)
" Jangan biarkan orang lain membunuh impian anda. Maju terus, hadapi semua rintangan dan raih impian anda. "

Sunday, November 10, 2013


When I share something big event yesterday, some reaction of people around was different. Some show interest, some show bad and react as it’s no need, some react like’s it’s not in our circle, some react nothing and I just think something and learn.

My experience teach me that in this life there’s always three types of people around you, the stopper, encourager and the other types is don’t care. Where ever you are, this three types will always there and it’s not you job to run or just be with the encourager. You job is to do your own responsibility. Your life is yours and nobody can take it from you.

I always have no courage to share and to tell what is my dream, what I want to do, what I get and what I’m going to get in my personal life. It’s because I always afraid about rejection, discouragement, and so on that may stop me from go on with my dream. However, I still believe that one day I will have enough courage and I’ll tell everything when needed.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Seminar Hartanah Abang Ensem Di Sabah 2014

It’s Thursday and I’ve done with 2nd paper in the morning. It’s jus feeling good, I think I have do my best give the best answer even I really worried before coming to exam hall. I jus feel relieved and just confident I’ve done much better than yesterday’s paper. Next week I’ll have my last paper after 5+ years of studies.

Just get good news from Abang Ensem that he and his team will held a talk “Seminar Hartanah” on 08 March 2014(Saturday) and I just get ready to go. Its just about 4 month but I’ve decided that I will go and I think this is a “must go” Programme. Last week, I’ve received his book, and useful book and I believe that this book will be very useful later. 
Saya dah beli buku ni,kamu bila lagi??

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Rumah Pertama.

Kebanyakan orang menyatakan bahawa salah satu pelaburan terbesar dalam hidup seseorang adalah rumah. Saya agak bersetuju tap lagi setuju kalau dikata rumah tangga. Rasanya rumah tangga adalah pelaburan yang terbesar sekali. Hahaha

Kembali kepada topik asal, memiliki rumah pertama semestinya sesuatu yang mengujakan dan pasti menggembirakan. Apa pun tujuannya, memiliki eumah pertama cukup untuk menunjukkan kesediaan kita untuk hidup sendiri dalam reality sebenar. Jadi apaka tujuan anda memiliki rumah pertama?

Bagi saya, saya ingin memiliki rumah pertama seawall 26 tahun, jadi harus beli sebelum atau semasa. Jadi, ianya dalam tempoh 3 tahun. Tujuannya Cuma satu, iaitu menjana cashflow positif. Maksudnya, saya nak beli rumah untuk disewakan kepada orang lain. Oleh kerana sya di sabah, biasanya harga rumah pun agak mahal dan permintaan menyewa pun agak kurang jika tak kena pada tempatnya. Setakat ini, dah tengok-tengok dan pertimbangkan banyak perkara dan rasanya sudah menemui “port” yang bagus. Jadinya, selepas ini perlu tengok dan cari rumah yang ingin dijual. I prefer subsale house.
 I hope I can get it.