
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

Twin & Friendship

Friendship means a lot in someone life. Some people are much close to their friend than their family and it’s normal. People said that friend is a gift you give to yourself and it’s always right. Friendship always can begin in many ways but friendship also can’t last forever. Sometimes, friendship gets in trouble, some misunderstanding and etc. I’ve so many friends and it’s always good to have friend. :D

I have a friend, a good friend. She is cute, nice, loving, sensitive (maybe) and so on. It’s been a long time we live in same situation, classmate for 3 years and continue our studies in same places, same condition and will get same job. So many things we get through, some crazy things and sometimes it’s funny when some people think that we’re couple. But then, we prefer that we’re TWIN. Hehehe. 

Now it’s the last semester, the last exam will come next two week and in a month our studies will be last. So, whatever happen next and on, wish us good luck!
                                           2009                                                    2010
                     2011                                         2012                                                   2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Your feeling and instinct may true.

 There’s a time that I feel not so easy with my friend relationship and what I can do is just keep my mouth shut and assume that it’s jus a little bit jealous. So I sidelined whatever I feel and what I expected not means that I don’t care but it just because I’ve see them doing good and I always believe that love can change anything. However what I expected have been happen as expected and I hope one day I can just believe and openly said what I feel. By the way, I hope everything will be good, better and best. Life is fair.Good Luck friend~

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Love,Couple & Problem ??

Coupling for me is something normal to be happens in life. I always believe that everybody have experience about this matter. To be in a relationship, having love problem, break-up, making new love and so on is just a part of life and maybe we have to see it positively. So, when you have a problem I always suggest you to think in positive way, see it in good way and learn. This five tips is I think some good tips for you:
  1. You are not less without him/her
  2. It's good to break up early than later (Break-up is better than divorce)
  3. Maybe there's someone better for you
  4. Life is always fair.
  5. God know more.
So, I wish you Good Luck! :D