
Monday, October 07, 2013

Terrible Blog! haha

Rasanya dah terlalu lama tak merapu dekat blog ni. Hahaha. Subuk yea? Urm, rasanya macamtu la..hehe.
Today, 07 oktober bermakna tinggal lagi 6 minggu pengajian di IPG..oh yea!!
Dah lama, bebenar tak bershare kat blog..macam-macam perkara dah berlaku, berlalu dan menjadi kenangan. The biggest things happen?? so much..
  1. Praktikum 3
  2. Internship
  3. Result sem 7
  4. E-vetting
  5. E-posting
  6. Hoki
  7. SIPMA 5
  8. Stay With Me
  9. Hari Warga Kampus
  10. ASB
  11. Kajian Tindakan
  12. Seminar Penyelidikan
  13. And so on
Its been improving life, I’m trying to improve myself..now, tomorrow and on.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, semua pelajar IPT diberikan elaun buku oleh KPM dan sesungguhnya saya sangat berterima kasih dengan ehsan mereka membantu orang muda…
Alkisahnya, saya telah menggunakan RM 100 Baucer Buku membeli alat tulis dan kertas-mertas untuk kegunaan yang perlu..
Lalu RM 15O Lagi terlupa guna sehingga hampir-hampir tamat tempohnya. Maka dengan list buku yang memang saya ingin beli, keseluruhannya telah digunakan untuk membeli buku pilihan..


Saturday, January 26, 2013

I am still Alive

It’s almost the end of the 1st month. A lot of things happen, a lot of thing forgotten. Much dream created. 

Practical already start this week, and I think I like it. A lot of things happen out of my imagination but I still love it.

I will go doing my action research and I just found my problem. Everything will go to be better. 

My lover was great and we always make life much better. 

Life will go on and as long we alive we must got a lot problem. I love the way of my life and I have to make it much better. Tomorrow is not just another day. It will be great. <3 p="">

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy New Year

Come back to campus. Start new semester again and I’m glad to think that this will be my last year.. New year was coming and new dream come along. I’m not really successful last year, some of my dream was not come true and I cant make it happen. But then it just good as long I know whether I fail or not.

For this new year, I’ve listed down 20 things I have to make it real this year and I have to make it happen. It’s all about me and my life and in every day I’ve to think and do what should I do and then do it for real.
Exam result was good but not good enough for CGPA..so, this last 2 semester have to work hard to get at least 2nd class upper.
 I think I've not change much.still young and childish..kekeke

Lastly, I just want to make this year much better than before. Amen..

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Exam Was over

"Exam was over at 5.00pm on 5 Nov 2012"
Genap 4.5 tahun, exam semester enam diakhiri dengan kertas matematik MTE 3112. Apapun semester 6 sudah pun dilalui, dihayati dan sewaktu dengannya. Apa yang paling penting ialah semoga saya mendapat keputusan yang setimpal dengan usaha dan perhatian di dalam kelas. “Semoga saya mendapat keputusan yang baik” merupakan ayat biasa didengar tetapi kadngkala saya tak suka sangat. Mungkin lebih sesuai katakana semoga keputusan saya setimpal dengan usaha. Yea kan??

After this, akan bercutilah saya selama lebih kurang 54 hari sebelum meyambung perjuangan berbaki setahun. Masa cuti belum dirancang tetapi apa yang penting, saya punya tugasan itu begitu banyak menanti. Kepada yang belum habis exam..teruskan usaha, kepada yang dah habis, selamat bercuti..